The Sweet Return of My Super Sweet 16

Sunday night (May 15th), saw the return of the MTV reality series that caused envy among every teen My Super Sweet 16. *Cue Hillary Duff and the theme song* The show began its run in early 2005 and featured everyday teens whose parents were loaded throwing lavish bashes all the way to the offspring of the stars like Diddy's son Quincy and Lil Wayne's daughter Reginae Carter. It also gave us our first look at musician, actress and music video maven Teyana Taylor. After the show sadly ended in 2008, they tried a short spin-off bringing the old stars back and dragging them around the world to give them a reality check in Exiled, but it quickly saw an end. After a spurt of episodes here and there from celebrities wanting their huge parties documented the show is officially in full swing again with a ninth season.
YouTube star Dy'mond was the first to kick-off the new season of the show. The new format of the show
immediately hit me when I saw there was no longer intro sequence for the show, but they got rid of the

amazing theme song. What happened to spreading our wings and having our chance to shine??? We meet Dy'mond's friend, and they discuss the importance of this event. She didn't have a party for her 14th or 15th so that ultimately means sweet 16 right? The highlight of the episode was definitely when Dy'mond requested a helicopter entrance to her Diamond themed bash in Florida and regretfully informed that it might not work out because the President was in town.
Overall, the episode didn't disappoint and stayed true to traditional Sweet 16 format. Obviously, there were a few changes namely, the subheadings on the screen, the episode transitions and theme, but the show as a whole brought back the same feels from the early 2000s. Now we just have to see what crazy antics will ensue on the episodes to follow.