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Iggy Azalea back from down under the radar

The artist hasn't been on mainstream radio since her debut in 2014. Her album reached top positions on the charts, and she had multiple hits including Fancy featuring Charlie XCX and Black Widow featuring Rita Ora.

Towards the end of her streak, she was under scrutiny for critical and racially charged questions. While Azalea tried to defend her position, she was quickly dismissed by the public and soon after lost the support of her mentor T.I.

In late 2016 Iggy attempted to not only comeback but make a stance in her song Team. She referenced the tulmutous past and her newfound independence with the lyrics in the song "baby I got me and that's all I need" referencing again the departure of T.I's support. While the song surprised audiences it didn't gain the reception that was accepted to relaunch her career. Once that song saw little risen in the charts Azalea took another break from music and set spotlight and we again heard nothing.

That was until March 24rd, 2017 when Azalea dropped not only a single but also a music video for her newest song Mo'Bounce. The song features a traditional twerk or dance best with limited lyrics to make it more catchy. While the song may be good to dance to it doesn't look like it'll travel far on the charts. The

music video peaked at #2 on YouTube's trending video charts. Music fans will have to wait and see if this is the year for the comeback of Iggy or if she's done for good.

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