Screaming Till The Bitter end:Screams Queens Finale Recap
Tonight (Dec 20th), we came to the end of a very dramatic and bloodshed season of Scream Queens. While it didn't seem time for the finale the episode wrapped itself up and everyone got what they deserved. Or did they?

*Spoilers Ahead*
The episode picks up with Dr.Brock and Hester meeting and talking about plans for the future. The two have come to a mutual understanding that they are both a bit psychotic and love to kill. Hester presents a plan to Brock for him to propose to Dean Munsch, after she recently broke the news of her deadly disease, so the money in her account will be given to him once she dies. She suggests that they could go to Blood Island together, bring in tourists, then hunt and kill them together. Brock likes the idea and begins searching for cheap engagement rings.
Chanel goes through Brock's phone and locates his search history only to mistake it for him planning to propose to her. Sadly, that day Dr.Brock drags everyone in the room, including the Chanel's, and he proposes to Cathy Munsch. This marks yet another marriage proposal fake-out for our poor Chanel Oberlin
Meanwhile, Dr.Cassidy Cascade and Chanel 3 meet with his mother Jane to discuss the end of his killing career. She is obviously upset and practically disowns her son. Later, she sits on the bed covering the captured Zayday and tries to call Nurse Hoffel to aid in the murders, but is quickly hung up on.
After her miraculous score on the MCAT, it's become abundantly clear that Chanel #5 has learned a lot with her time at the hospital. So much so that she came to the newly married Dr.Brock and Dean Munsch to tell them she researched the disease Munsch claimed to have and believes the only way to truly diagnose her is to perform an awake brain surgery. After some hesitation, Dr.Brock decides to go along with the surgery because he believes if it goes well he can impress the rest of the Harvard alum which he again reminds us he attended. (Anyone else suddenly feel like changing their password to the college they attended)
We cut back to the trapped Zayday and she has a heart to heart with Dr.Cassidy's mother and lets her know that she shouldn't be disappointed in him, but proud because he now knows right from wrong.(What a sweet an awkward moment counseling your captor)
Moments before this unheard of surgery on Cathy Munsch there is a lot of scheming invoked in her life. Chanel "admits" that she isn't fine with Brock Holt marrying Munsch and plans to spill a piping hot cup of Pumpkin Spice Latte on her exposed brain to kill her. (Can you say basic white girl problems) To her dismay, number 5 tries to put a halt to the plan by letting her known that scalding hot liquid would only slightly scorch a layer of the tissue, but the brain would immediately heal with many germs being killed in the process. To no avail, Chanel decides to go through with the plan to "trip" and spill the drink anyway.
On the same page, Hester is pestering Dr.Brock Holt to kill Munsch in this procedure so they can get the money and run away together. Holt objects to not ruin his reputation as one of the best surgeons. The surgery is performed successfully against the odds of Chanel's "full-proof" plan which goes array when she spills the drink on Nurse Hoffel and the musical styling of a delirious Cathy Munsch.
Now the last ten minutes of the finale had events happening on after the other so try to stay with me right now.
We find out that Dean Munsch has no disease at all and is only severely dehydrated based on liquid intake being strictly vodka and/or scotch at every moment of the day, even brushing her teeth. Somehow Nurse Hoffel hears the good news and tells one of the extra Chanels to invite everyone down to the basement. (How is it that after two serial killers no is more suspicious of these things) Hoffel gets the all into the basement and puts them in a cage where she not only reveals the story behind her revenge for sister Agatha Bean (don't worry the Chanel's didn't really remember her either) and the exact identity of each green meanie. Before she can set the bomb to kill them Zayday miraculously appears with Cascade's mom and put a stop to everything. Sadly, then and there Hoffel shoots Cassidy's mom and they are placed in the cage as well. She then sets the bomb and leaves them to die.
Moments after they all begin making final ends with the group and admitting secrets. Everyone can finally relax because after much speculation Chanel #5 admits that her vagina does, in fact, have teeth, she added that they are very sharp. Right after this declaration the amazing appearance of Denise Hemfield is made. She uses her knowledge from watching the show Quantico and diffuses the bomb. The entire gang gathers and chases after Hoffel who is trying to escape the C.U.R.E Institute. Hoffel throws her Green Meanie blade at Chanel #3 and Cassidy valiantly steps in the way and dies after taking the blade for her and in his final breaths proclaims his love for her. (A beautiful moment in this crazy finale)
Hoffel continues to run into the woods and finds herself in quicksand. Despite the effort of Munsch who tries to pull her out, (didn't know she had a conscience), Hoffel sinks into the sand.
We fast forward and get a quick tie-up of where every beloved character is months after the deaths of every serial killer. Brock Holt and Hester found themselves rich on Blood Island after Hester impersonated Munsch and drained the account, and now hunt down tourists and kill them. (Awe what a psychotic and beautiful relationship) Chanel #5 continued her medical experience and teamed with Zayday to now rule the C.U.R.E Institute with new management. Cathy Munsch took her specific knowledge to Aspen to become a sex doctor. Chanel finally got what she'd been longing for since season 1 to become a rich celebrity. She is now the star host of "Loving the C" with Chanel #3 as her EP. After narrating her success and the recap of others Chanel gets in her car to drive home, but sees something in the backseat.
Is the Red Devil back again?!
The lives of everyone after the killings is what truly stole the show in the finale to me. It seems interesting that everyone is happy and exactly where they should be. The appearance of the Red Devil gives viewers the hope that there will be a season 3 and then we'll see if these Happily Ever Afters truly last.