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Puff Puff Pass the Amendment

Amendment 2 is back on the ballot in Florida for November and it looks like legalization may be on its way. The Use of Marijuana for Certain Medical Conditions originally was originally brought to attention for the ballot in 2014. It urged Floridians to vote to give others the choice of marijuana for medical relief. While the bill was gradually gaining supporters, it failed to win 60 percent support required for passage.

Now, in 2016 the bill is back with reforms and new steam behind it. The bill has been updated in a way to give a better understanding to the process of obtaining and purchasing the herb. Recent polls have shown huge numbers in a positive direction. The likelihood of passage seems very great this year and now we wait to see the outcome.

I know many still have concerns about abuse of the system for recreational use but I believe those who truly have no other options should have open access. This medical system is so intricate and finding a source of relief that could lead to less adverse effects than over-the-counter drugs should definitely be shared.

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